
NORDEN Cricket Club is the data controller in respect of all personal data collected, which means that we are responsible for ensuring that we do so in full compliance and meeting our obligations as laid down by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all other related privacy laws.
This privacy policy explains what information we collect about you, how we use it, and the steps taken to ensure that it is kept secure. We also explain your rights and how to contact us.
Please note, our website may contain links to other websites which are provided for your convenience. We are only responsible for the privacy practices and security of our site. We recommend that you check the privacy and security policies and procedures of other websites that you visit.
When you apply for membership of Norden Cricket Club we ask you for your name, contact details, address, and e-mail address. All personal information that we obtain about you, and any other persons you provide details for, will be recorded, used, and protected by us in accordance with current data protection legislation and this Privacy Policy. We will primarily use the information for:
• Club registration, membership and general administration.
• To provide the services you request from us
• To communicate with you about involvement in club activities
• To communicate with you in the event that any services requested are unavailable, or if there is a query or problem with your requests.
• To use as emergency contacts for junior players
• To share information internally such as medical conditions and allergies for welfare and safety reasons for junior players
• For record keeping purposes (as a club we are bound to keep a record of members’ names and addresses).
• Processed lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals
• Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
• Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary, in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
• Accurate, and where necessary, kept up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without delay.
• Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed.
• Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.
Norden Cricket Club shall be responsible for, and be able to demonstrate, compliance with the above principles.
We will hold your personal data on our system for as long as you are a member of the club, and for as long afterwards as is necessary to comply with our legal obligations. We will review your personal data every year to establish whether we are still entitled to process it. If we decided that we are not entitled to do so we will stop processing your personal data except that we will retain your personal data in an archived form in order to be able to comply with future legal obligations, e.g. compliance with tax requirements and exemptions and the establishment exercise or defence of legal claims. We securely destroy all financial information once we have used it and no longer need it.
All membership application forms are destroyed once applicants have been accepted as members and their details added to the club’s secure database.
If you provide information to us about any person other than yourself you must ensure that they understand how their information will be used and that you are authorised to disclose it to us, and to consent to its use on their behalf, before doing so.
We take the security of personal information seriously. We have procedures in place and generally accepted standards of technology to ensure that our paper, computer systems, and databases are protected against unauthorised disclosures, misuse, loss, damage, or destruction. We will report a personal data breach to the relevant supervisory authority within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach, where feasible. If the breach is likely to result in a high risk of adversity affecting your rights and freedoms we will also inform you without undue delay.
You have rights under the GDPR to:
• Access your personal data
• Be provided with information about how your personal data is processed
• Have your personal data corrected
• Have your personal data erased in certain circumstances
• Object to or restrict how your personal data is processed
• Have your personal data transferred to yourself or to another business in certain circumstances.

You may update or correct your personal information by contacting us in writing. We encourage you to promptly update your personal information if it changes. If you are providing updates or corrections about another person we may require you to provide us with proof that you are authorised to provide that information to us.
By post to The Manager, or to the Secretary at Norden Cricket Club, Woodhouse Lane, Norden, OL12 7SD
For further information about Data Protection visit Information Commisioners Office at